Privacy Policy

For California Residents, please see our California Privacy Information here


We at RoamHR, know you care about how your personal information is used and shared – and we take your privacy seriously. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) covers our treatment of personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”), and certain non-personally identifiable information that we gather when you use or otherwise engage (via mobile application, web browsing or otherwise) with our RoamHR Application and website (collectively, the “Service”). It describes what types of information we collect, how we use that information, and who we share that information with.

Your use of our service in any manner means that you accept and agree to the terms and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy and consent that we may collect, use, and share your information as set forth below.  This policy applies to the RoamHR’s set of services, but does not apply to our partner’s services. Although we picked partners with sound privacy practices, you should evaluate their privacy policies and terms of service as well.

Our Privacy Disclosure Document can be found here Privacy Disclosure

As mentioned in RoamHR’s Terms of Service, bank account credentials are held with a PCI compliant service provider (Plaid Inc.).  Plaid has extremely high standards for privacy and security. Their privacy policy and terms of service can be accessed here:

Data Safeguarding Efforts

We’ve taken measures to safeguard your data.  Although no security measures can perfectly protect all data, we maintain a high level of security practices to protect your data.

  • We don’t store login credentials to bank accounts
  • All access to your banking accounts is done through encrypted tokens
  • All access to our services is done through Use of HTTPS for all API requests (non-HTTPS requests are currently disabled)
  • Data access is protected by firewall systems with additional security provided to prevent malicious attacks.


Information We Collect

 RoamHR collects data from users of its services in order to provide its advertised service.  We only collect information that is required to provide this service to the end user and for no other purpose.  In general, we collect information in a number of ways, including (i) when you as a user give it to us via application registration, or via information update (ii) when we obtain end-user information through trusted third parties, such as income depository data.

In certain cases, we may use Google Analytics to capture web analytics and traffic information.  In such cases, you can view google’s information here:


In addition, RoamHR may collect data via its relationship with the mobile application stores including the Google Play Store and the Apple iTunes application store. 

For opening of financial accounts, we collect elements required for the use of these services.  This includes personal information such as name, address, phone number, date of birth and last four digits of your social security number.  In certain cases, we need to share the entire tax identification number you provide with the IRS. Any and all data collected is done in encrypted channels.

We may also automatically collect certain usage information when you access our Services (“Usage Data”), such as Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses, log files, unique device identifiers, pages viewed, browser type, any links you click on to leave or interact with our Services, and other usage information collected from cookies and other tracking technologies. For example, we collect IP addresses to track and aggregate non-personal information, such as using IP addresses to monitor the regions from which users navigate to our Services. We also collect IP addresses from users when they log into the Services as part of our log-in and security features. We may also, when you enable location-based Services, collect Global Positioning System (GPS) location data and/or motion data.


By signing up for the Service, you consent to these terms. Some features of the Service allow you to provide content, including financial credentials and information, to the Service. All content submitted by you to the Service or collected on your behalf from third-party applications may be retained by us indefinitely, even after you terminate your account. We may continue to disclose such content to third parties in a manner that does not reveal Personal Information, as described in this Privacy Policy.

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 13. If you are under 13, please do not attempt to register for the Service or send any personal information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 13 may have provided us personal information, please contact us at

 Our Services may change over time and we may introduce new features that may collect new or different types of information.


Information Use


  • To operate and maintain the Service (such as overall operating and maintenance, providing customer service, fixing malfunctions, testing our security systems, etc.).
  • To provide you with the features, functions and benefits of the Service (such as displaying to information regarding your financial accounts).
  • To enhance, improve, add to and further develop the Service (such as creating new features or functions, refining or personalizing the user experience, increasing Service technical performance, etc.).
  • We will use your contact information (such as your email address or phone number) to provide you with Service notifications.
  • To help personalize the Service experience for you (such as remembering your information so you will not have to enter it each time you use the Service or providing you with offers, advertisements or features you may like).


Information We Share

 We share some personal data with third party providers to grant access to their financial services.  In addition, we share information with the IRS when customers opt to use our payment service. The shared data is limited to elements required for the use of these services.  This includes personal information such as name, address, phone number, date of birth and last four digits of your social security number. In certain cases, we need to share the entire tax identification number you provide with the IRS .

We don’t share your individual income data with anyone.  We may share aggregated data that summarizes income ranges of people who use our services.  We might share this to improve our services or indicate to third parties how our services are being used by the public.

No other data sharing is done by RoamHR as we are not supported by advertising and do not offer third party services as a part of our business model.


Contacting Us


  • email to
  • submission of help request at
  • Phone 210-960-9136
    • Postal Address: RoamHR
      Attn: Compliance Office
      8000 Walton Pkwy, Suite 230

      New Albany, OH 43054
      Effective Date: January 1, 2020

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      *Somerset Trust Company - Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender